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Investment Committee

Steven Hoch

Steven is Principal, Marketing Strategy & Planning at Lake Consulting, helping technology and professional service businesses develop marketing and business strategies to achieve business objectives. He brings discipline and market orientation to teams consumed with near-term tactical priorities. Steven is also LLC Manager at Canyons Land and Minerals LLC, responsible for operations, finances, transactions, communications, and reporting for investment partnerships in domestic oil production ventures. In addition, he is responsible for operations, finances, transactions, communications, and reporting for investment partnerships in domestic oil production and property development ventures at Forbes Lake Investors LLC. 
Prior to that, Steven was the Executive Director at the Tahoe City Downtown Association with responsibility for all daily operations, planning and execution of all events, programs and advocacy for local business community on public and private issues.  He was also responsible for all financial management, including fundraising and grants. In addition, Steven held numerous executive management roles in marketing at leading technology companies including Cisco, HP, and Apple.
Steven Graduated from the University of Michigan with a Master of Business Administration (MBA).